May 16, 2019

As part of a successful go-live, it’s important that you let your leadership team, managers and employees know that an employee engagement survey is coming up soon.
We’d recommend you give leaders and managers at least a week’s advance notice that the survey is going live. Make sure they know the planned timings of the survey, that all feedback will be anonymous – including their own – and that you will need their support to encourage high participation.
Most important, though, is the communication to your employees. Getting this right involves two key messages:
- Letting your team know that this is their chance to be heard and you value their feedback
- Reassuring your team that you are using a third-party provider so their feedback will be anonymous.
Below we’ve included sample text that has been effective for other clients in the past while communicating this information to their employees.
Please personalize it so the messaging matches the language of your business, and aim to send it out 24 hours before the survey goes live.
We’re excited to be working with a new partner on culture and engagement: Workify.
Workify is an employee feedback platform that will enable you to share your thoughts around what’s great at [CompanyName], and your ideas for how we can improve our employee experience. We believe employee feedback is essential in making [CompanyName] a great place to work and want to make sure everyone’s voice is heard, so I hope you will take the time to share your feedback.
Your identity is protected via third party encryption across the whole Workify platform, meaning your feedback will be treated anonymously.
Our first employee engagement survey will be going live on [SurveyDate], so please look out for an email from Workify containing your personal link to the survey.
Additionally, the Workify Client Success team is always here to support if you have any questions about communicating to your team.