May 25, 2022

One of the most important things to do when you’re launching an employee engagement program, revamping your surveys, or rethinking your strategies is to engage with as many employee experience resources as possible. In this week’s post we want to share some of our favorite employee blogs and resources, including a few suggestions directly from us here at Workify.
The reason to engage with employee blogs and resources is because they can give you a sense of trends in HR and employee experience, let you know how other companies are handling similar problems or circumstances, and you can get ideas about new things to try at your company.
When it comes to HR tools and technology, there’s competition in the industry just like any other, but HR and engagement is also a connected space. Companies and HR leaders talk to each other. They do it in the hopes that they can find solutions that won’t just impact their company, but also the entire landscape of work culture in the United States and abroad.
Which employee blogs should you start with?
If you already have an engagement program and are working with Workify or another engagement company, start by asking your experience specialists what they recommend. They’ll know the ins and outs of your organization’s needs, and they’ll have a well-rounded knowledge base since they work in the HR industry and are following trends and solutions as part of their day-to-day lives.
After you’ve asked them, make sure to engage with your LinkedIn connections and the LinkedIn News feature that you see on the right-hand side of your homepage. If you haven’t already, connect with peers and other HR professionals on LinkedIn, because you’ll be able to see resources and articles that they share. Seeing their content will give you prompts to start conversations on important topics.
The LinkedIn News feature is also good at bringing some of the most important workplace, engagement, and HR topics to the top of everyone’s feeds. Oftentimes it shares articles about the future of work, loneliness due to WFH, industry trends, and more.
Once you’ve used your social media platforms (like Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to connect with peers and start conversations, it’s time to branch out to blogs, podcasts, and other resources. Here are a couple of our favorites.
Some of our favorite employee blogs and resources
The HR and employee engagement space is full of rich content across a number of different topics. Sometimes startup and tech outlets will cover HR and engagement as well, so make sure to look at those. Also remember that the topics that are top of mind for your company today may not be the same ones that are top of mind in a year from now. That means it’s great to be open to new resources and to engage with others in the employee experience space for inspiration.
The SnackNation blog is one of the funniest places to go to for employee engagement content. Like you may have guessed based on their name, they cover some of the most light-hearted topics in engagement. SnackNation writes about virtual conferences for workers, fun games to play with employees, and even happy hour events.
theTeam is a UK based agency that focuses on brand strategy, employee engagement, and brand activation. Their group has consultants, strategists, designers, writers, and project managers that use behavioral science, research, and data insights to help companies. Given their experience and insights across many fields, their blog is a great resource for timely topics in employee engagement.
Josh Bersin
Josh Bersin is a leading thinker on work, talent, learning, leadership, and HR technology. His accolades are far ranging, including founding Bersin & Associates. It was sold to Deloitte, where Bersin worked before leaving Deloitte in 2018. He then created the Josh Bersin Company in 2020, where his team of analysts and advisors help HR organizations across the world. His site is a great resource for topics ranging from hybrid work, technology market trends, and more. You’re also likely to see his content on Forbes, Harvard Business Review, HR Executive, and other outlets.
HR Magazine
HR Magazine is UK based, and it’s one of the leading outlets for HR professionals and business leaders around the globe. It posts daily content across all of the most important topics in HR, including employee health, technology, diversity and inclusion, internal communications, and even employment law. The depth of their content is impressive, and they’re a great outlet to read if you also want to understand what’s happening in HR outside of the United States.
Harvard Business Review
The Harvard Business Review (HBR) only allows a few articles for free before you have to pay for unlimited access. Despite the fact that topics covered on HBR aren’t exclusively about HR and employee experience, we think it’s worth including since it has so much top notch content about leadership, managing teams, diversity, and more. Since it’s a general management magazine by Harvard University, its topics and contributors are some of the most important in business.
Workify blog
We’d be remiss not to mention the Workify blog (and our podcast that you’ll see below).
On we share insights across the employee engagement and HR space. Our posts include industry trends, engagement program strategies, guest posts, and more. If you’re a Workify customer, you’ll even see occasional blog posts with updates on how to use our tools and services.
Modern People Leader Podcast
The Modern People Leader Podcast is the next extension of our content, available on Apple and Spotify. Each week our hosts talk to HR executives about the workplace and employee experience. The HR execs we talk to share what’s working, what isn’t, and how they’ve found success in their careers and in HR more generally.
Find other outlets that you connect with
As you can see, there are a number of employee blogs and resources available for you to engage with. They’re spread across many styles and areas of coverage, and we’ve only named a few. It’s very likely that some of your current favorites—or future favorites—aren’t even on this list.
We encourage you to keep looking online for the resources that align with the strategies and engagement approaches you’re after, as well as the outlets that match your preferences in presentation and style. Always remember to utilize social media and start conversation with peers as well. Twitter and LinkedIn are two of the best platforms to engage with like-minded HR professionals, including folks who are forward-thinking or who have historical knowledge of employee experience and how to succeed in HR organizations.
Ready to launch an engagement program or revamp your surveys?
Whether you want to make sure your surveys are updated for current trends in employee experience, or you’ve never launched an engagement program at all, Workify is here to help. All of our surveys are connected to our Engagement Intelligence Platform. It gives you the latest in employee listening and makes it almost feel like you have an in-house analytics team.
All of our programs and surveys are also backed by I/O psychologists and our team of specialists will help you navigate the Engagement Intelligence Platform so that you understand all of your data and know what to do with it. Connect with us today to learn more and get started.