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In Honor of System Administrator Appreciation Day – High Tech Employee Recognition

July 23, 2018

When things go right, you may barely notice their existence. They are just there making everything work in the background. When things go wrong in the world of complex computer systems (and they will), system administrators will be your heroes.  July 27 is System Administrator Appreciation Day.  Take a few minutes out of your busy schedule this week to give some high tech employee recognition for the Tech Whisperer in your organization.
The last Friday of each July is designated System Administrator Appreciation Day, or SysAdmin Day for short. Created by sysadmin Ted Kekatos in 2000, SysAdmin Day is celebrated world-wide. The official website,, gives pointers on how to celebrate. At the top of the list: food and gifts, of course. You can’t go wrong with these time-tested expressions of appreciation.
For some inspiration, watch this short video. Then make sure your company’s sysadmin, and everyone on the IT team, feels appreciated on this special day.
Better yet, make sure your IT professionals are being recognized on a regular basis throughout the year. Terryberry can help with high tech employee recognition. After all, you and your company depend on them for so much, it is only fitting that they should feel the love all year round.
You get to the office and sit down at your computer. You turn it on and open your email application, connect to the server to access shared files, and open a browser to do research on a project. You send a job to the black-and-white printer (maybe that rough draft of your KPI report), and another job to the color printer (the jazzy brochure from marketing). You upload a document to the cloud, boot up the virtual machine, connect to your company’s intranet, and broadcast your availability on your instant messenger app. Everything just works. It is a good day. You have your system administrator (or your whole IT department) to thank.
Post a photo or video of your celebration of System Administrator Appreciation Day on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, using the hashtag #RecognitionHolidayChallenge. When you tag or mention Terryberry in your post, you’ll be entered in our 12 Months of Recognition challenge for the chance to win big prizes!


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