September 14, 2022

Feature Highlights:
- How to send an Exit Survey
Before getting into the details of sending an exit survey, here are some quick reminders about the Workify platform.
- Workify will use the employee data that is held in the system at the time the survey goes live.
- Please make sure your employee data is up to date before launching the exit survey.
- Based on the cadence that works for your company, most companies do a data upload of their updated employee census on a bi-weekly basis.
How to Send Exit Surveys
First, you’ll want to click on Employee Experience along the top navigation bar. Then select ‘Send Surveys’ along the left hand side under the Exit survey type.
Once you’re on this page, you’ll first search for the employee that needs an exit survey sent. Once the employee is found, you’ll select the ‘Send Exit Survey’ button on the right hand side.
From there, the system will ask you if (1) you are sure you want to send an exit survey and (2) what the termination date is for this specific employee.
Select the Termination Date and then press ‘Save and Send’.
The system will send the exit survey as soon as you press this button and the survey should stay open for the standard two week time frame.*
After this two week time frame (or by the Term Date entered), the user will then be locked out of the Workify system.
*The length of how long the survey will stay open could vary depending on how it was set up by your Account Manager.
Shortly after sending, the survey will be accessible under the ‘View & Manage Surveys’ section on the left hand side. Please note – there could be delay in seeing your new survey in the View & Manage since Workify is processing several things on the back-end.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact us at