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Positive Feedback to Colleagues: Examples For Every Occasion

October 2, 2024

Giving a colleague positive feedback can feel awkward. You worry it might make them feel uncomfortable or come off as inauthentic.

Turns out there is a fundamental misalignment between what people believe about giving positive employee feedback and what actually happens.

When researchers looked at the impact of giving a compliment to others, they found that compliment-givers generally tend to believe that the receiver won’t enjoy the interaction. When they polled the receivers, however, it was clear this was far from the truth.

Receiving a compliment was shown to brighten the receiver’s day even more than they anticipated and help them feel better about themselves. They weren’t uncomfortable or put out, they were delighted.

It may be tempting to follow the same line of thinking when you consider giving positive feedback to your colleagues. You may worry that co-workers will feel uneasy or only value manager feedback. But it’s clear from the research that positive employee feedback has a positive impact.

Let’s look at just how critical it is to give positive feedback to your colleagues and examples of feedback you can use for almost every scenario.



Why positivity matters: The 5:1 ratio

Therapist and researcher John Gottman speaks extensively about the 5 to 1 ratio in his work. He discovered that in a stable and happy marriage, couples engage in five positive interactions for every one negative. This ratio of five to one doesn't just apply to romantic relationships, however. It's the key to successful relationships in almost every context, including within the workplace.

Research has found that in the most successful teams, members give more than five positive feedback comments for every one piece of constructive feedback. In low-performing teams, the ratio averages to be three pieces of negative feedback for every one positive comment.


The benefits of giving positive feedback

Telling your colleagues exactly how they're crushing it is good for them and good for business. Here are a few outcomes of creating a feedback culture where you frequently speak positivity into others.


Improved employee morale

Positive employee feedback can encourage employees so they feel appreciated and valued. High employee morale results in a more positive company culture, and ultimately helps create a workplace people are glad to be a part of.


Boost in confidence

Telling someone that they're doing something well is a surefire way to boost their self-confidence. Increased confidence can motivate employees to take on new challenges and risks that often pay off in the long run.


Reinforces desired behaviors

Positive feedback is what motivates people to continue what they're already doing well. Moreover, giving positive feedback can encourage someone to double down on their efforts with a little more 'oomph.'


Increased job satisfaction

Who wouldn’t love to work at a job where their hard work is consistently celebrated? Cultivating a positive feedback culture makes your organisation a place where people are happy to be thanks to a top-notch employee experience.

A positive feedback example includes acknowledging employees for their selflessness in helping others, active participation in company culture, receiving customer praise, introducing innovative ideas, and demonstrating consistent improvement.


Improved team cohesion

Regular feedback from peers builds trust and collaboration. Employees understand they can count on their teammates to recognise their efforts and call them out when they miss the mark.


Improved performance

Frequent positive feedback inspires employees to work harder. When workers receive daily feedback, they're 3.6 times more motivated to do outstanding work compared to those who receive feedback once a year during the annual review process.

Positive peer-to-peer feedback doesn't just benefit lower level employees, but has also been shown to improve leadership skills. In one study it helped ineffective leaders grow their skills by up to 33 percentile points.


Increased employee engagement

According to recent Gallup data, 80% of workers who received meaningful feedback during the past 7 days are fully engaged in their work. A different study found that 67% of workers whose managers emphasised their strengths were engaged, but when managers focus on areas of weakness, only 31% of employees are engaged.


What's a positive feedback loop?


For feedback to actually be effective, it needs to result in change. This exchange, where positive feedback becomes a catalyst for improvement within an organisation, may also be known as a positive feedback loop.

Traditionally, positive feedback loops are thought to cause change within the organisation itself. For example, if several expecting employees express concern about the current maternity leave policy, the company may make changes to better support pregnant women and new mothers.

But a positive feedback loop also occurs within peer-to-peer feedback. All of the above-mentioned benefits of giving positive feedback are part of the feedback loop. Dan tells Taylor that she's been killing it with her client communication lately, and Taylor is motivated to stay on top of her client emails and even send out additional updates that thrill the client.


15 positive feedback examples for specific actions

Here is a positive feedback example to use when you want to recognise a specific action that your colleague took.


Helping a colleague learn a new skill

Seeing you help [colleague] learn that new skill was a perfect positive feedback example. Your willingness to share your knowledge is so generous, and it’s clear how much it helped them. Keep being amazing!

In another life you would have been a teacher. Your patience and ability to explain things clearly helped [colleague] master [skill] and I’m already seeing the benefits for our team. Thanks for being so incredible!

They say those who can’t do, coach. You manage to do both insanely well. Thanks for always being willing to share your [skill] knowledge with others.


Providing an exceptional customer experience

I just heard about the great feedback from [client] and while I’m impressed, I’m not at all surprised. This is a perfect positive feedback example of how you always manage to make our clients feel like they’re the only person we serve. Thanks for representing [Company] so well!

Are your ears burning? [Client/customer] could not stop raving about [interaction]. You really blew them away!

You deserve all the thumbs up for how you handled that customer interaction. You managed to turn a routine service into an unforgettable experience for them. You’re an absolute magic maker.


Going above and beyond to deliver work

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your extra effort on this project. As a positive feedback example, you put in the hours and went the extra mile to ensure everything was perfect– now it’s time for a well-deserved break!

You consistently go above and beyond to deliver great results. Your hard work and commitment are a key part of this team’s success. Thank you!

Your dedication throughout this project has been nothing short of amazing. I saw the way you stuck your nose to the grindstone and didn’t look up until things were complete. Thanks for putting it into overdrive to ensure we got everything done on time!


Sharing valuable insight during a team meeting

I know it can be nerve-wracking to speak up during our team calls, so I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the insights you shared during yesterday’s meeting. As a positive feedback example, it helped point the rest of the conversation in a much more productive direction. Once again, you showed everyone what a valuable team member you are!

Thanks for sharing that great idea during the team meeting last week! You brought up points that none of us had considered and left us all wondering how we missed such an obvious solution. I look forward to seeing your ideas implemented.

Your input during that last meeting was incredible. You have a knack for seeing things from a different angle and your insight always moves us forward. Thanks for always being willing to speak up!


Navigating a conflict well

I just want to tell you how much I admired your attitude during the recent situation with [client]. You stayed calm and collected when most people would have lost their chill. This is a great positive feedback example of how to navigate a conflict well.

We’re all taking notes from you about how to handle conflict after watching the way you managed that last disagreement. I don’t know anyone who is consistently as diplomatic as you are.

If you didn’t work here I think you would thrive as a diplomat for our country. You never lose your cool under pressure and always manage to help people find resolution when there’s conflict. Thanks for being such a problem-solver!


24 positive feedback examples for significant events

retiring man looking out office window


Celebrate a significant milestone in your colleague's career using these examples of positive feedback.


Employment milestones

Congratulations on reaching your x anniversary at [Company]! Your dedication and hard work over the years have been essential for our team's success.

Celebrating your first year with [Company] today! You've made a big impact in just a short amount of time. I look forward to many more years in the office with you.

Happy X year work-aversary! All of the success we've seen over the past X years is a testament to what valuable contributions you bring to [Company]. Cheers to everything I know you'll accomplish in the next year.


At the end of a challenging project

We did it! The [X] project is complete and now we can all take a deep breath. Your attention to detail was instrumental to such an incredible final product.

Cheers to the end of the [X] project! The fact that we finished ahead of our deadline is a testament to your killer project management skills and the way you pushed us all. Thankful to be on a team with you!

Right now my favorite thing about you is that you work so well under pressure. Thanks for pushing our entire team to successfully complete the [X] project with such success. We couldn't have done it without you.


Reaching their employee goals

Congrats in hitting your goals this quarter! If I can be half as great a salesman as you, I know I'll really be going places.

Way to go on reaching your targets early! I can't tell if you're really that good or just determined to make the rest of us look like slackers. Forever inspired by your dedication!

You're a Big Deal (capital B capital D) for hitting your goals with such finesse! You're going to have to spill your secrets about how you make it look so easy.


Presenting at a conference

You knocked it out of the park with your presentation at the conference! The entire team couldn't stop talking about how you took such a complex topic and broke it down for everyone to understand. We're all so incredibly proud of you.

I heard great things about your presentation-- my only regret is that I couldn't be there in person. Your expertise is second to none.

Your presentation was a highlight of the conference. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and making us look good!


Volunteering for a work event

Thanks for stepping up and volunteering at [event]. I don't know how you manage to consistently function with the energy of a sugared-up five-year-old, but you make it look easy. You kept the whole event running smoothly!

Volunteering your time and energy for [event] showed just how committed you are to the team. It was a great day working with you. Thanks for all you do!

I really appreciate you volunteering at the [event]. You always go above and beyond and it means more than I can say!


Moving into a new role

Congrats on the new role! I'm thrilled to see you moving into the job you always wanted but I'll miss seeing your face at the desk next to mine. You're going to do great things.

Moving into a new role can be tough, but I know you'll crush it. Congrats and good luck!

So happy to see you thriving in your new role. Your hard work paid off, and I can't wait to see what you'll do next!



A million congrats on your promotion! You've worked so hard for this and deserve all of it and more. I'm proud to be your (old) teammate and your friend!

So excited to hear about your promotion. Your talent and hard work have always stood out. Way to go!

Day 1 and you're already killing it as [promoted title]. Not that I'm surprised at all-- you shine bright in all you do. Congratulations on the promotion!



A million congrats on your retirement! These are happy tears for the end of a successful career and sad tears because I won't spend my days with you anymore. I can't wait to see what you have planned next.

You did it! You made such an impact on [Company] while you were here and we were incredibly lucky to work with you. Enjoy retirement!

Happy retirement! I hope your days are filled with [favorite thing] and [favorite thing]. You deserve all the goodness.


39 positive feedback examples for admirable characteristics


Let your co-workers know what traits you admire in them using these examples of positive feedback.


Embodying company values

I don't know many people who consistently demonstrate their commitment to [value] as well as you do. Thanks for being a team member we can all trust to point us in the right direction.

Your commitment to our company's values makes you an MVE (most valuable employee) on our team. It's incredible to see someone so aligned with what [Company] stands for.

You consistently demonstrate our company values in action, but most notably when you [action]. It's inspiring and a shining example for the rest of us.


Professionalism in difficult situations

I admire how you stay professional even when you're not spoken to in a professional manner. The way you keep your cool is, well, cool. You inspire me to do the same!

Your ability to stay professional and calm under pressure is impressive. Thank you for setting such a high standard we can all aspire to.

You do a great job managing yourself even when others let their emotions get the best of them. I think we could all stand to learn a thing or two from your example!


Exceptional work

I don't think I've ever been so proud to call someone my teammate. Your work on the [X] project was unlike anything I've ever seen. Your work is always top-notch!

You continue to set the bar high with the stellar work you produce. Everything you have your hand in ends up being our best work yet. Thanks for your consistently incredible performance!

The quality of your work lately has been absolutely outstanding. You don't just meet expectations-- you go far beyond them. Your dedication to excellence is amazing.


Consistently finishing work in a timely manner

You don't just meet deadlines-- you crush them. Thanks to you our projects always run smoothly and our clients are always satisfied.

With your skills you could teach an entire semester's worth of classes on time management. Seriously, I don't know where you got all these tricks but I need to learn from you. You're the most punctual person I've ever met!

Thanks for always getting your tasks done in such a timely manner. You're one of the most reliable colleagues I've ever had the opportunity to work with, and you make it so easy to collaborate effectively!


Positive attitude

Your positive attitude is more contagious than the stomach bug. Seriously, you spread sunshine everywhere you go. Thanks for being such a cheery team member.

Your vibe is 100% optimism 100% of the time. I don't know how you do it, but I appreciate your boundless joy. You make the office a better place to be.

Thanks for providing an endless supply of positivity to our team. No matter what happens, I know you'll be there to encourage everyone and get us to the finish line.


Great team spirit

You've got so much team spirit I think you could be our mascot. Thanks for always encouraging the other team members when they're down and keeping us all united.

Thanks for being such a great team player. It's obvious you care about the team's success as much as your own.

Your ability to connect with every person on our team is unmatched. You draw out the best in each individual so that our team collaboration is the best of any department at [Company]. I consider myself lucky to be on a team with you.


Skill improvement

I've noticed how you spent the past few weeks working on [skill]. I admire your dedication and the fast improvements you've made. Your hard work and commitment to continuous growth are unparalleled.

Few people are as committed to continuous improvement as you are. You took that feedback about areas of growth from your last performance review and ran with it-- way to go! You inspire me to want to be a better employee and member of the team.

Your willingness to learn new skills is insanely impressive and makes you a great asset to your team. It's clear you're always striving to better yourself through both personal and professional development.


Innovative ideas

Every great idea you bring to the table is like a glass of ice water on a summer day-- always welcome, refreshing, and just what we need.

You don't just think outside of the box-- you throw the box away and make something totally new. Our team is lucky to have such an innovative thinker.

Your well of innovative solutions is somehow bottomless. I know that no matter what problem we face, you'll come up with a way to resolve it with the least amount of friction.



You're one of the most reliable people on our team. Your dependability makes a big difference in our success, and I hope you feel appreciated for that fact!

Even with such short notice, you were able to [action]. Thanks for always being someone I can count on to get the job done.

Your reliability is evident in literally everything you do at [Company]. Everyone knows we can count on you to be a great teammate, get your work done well and on time, and contribute to the positive company culture we all want.



Your creativity is like the secret ingredient to my mom's famous chocolate cake. Only you know what it is, and we can't stop talking about how good it is. Thanks for sharing those creative skills with our team!

Our marketing team is truly lucky to have someone who sees beyond the traditional constraints most of us have in mind. Your ability to bring fresh ideas to the table makes you a valuable member of our team.

I have never not been impressed by the ideas you have for our latest project. You do such an amazing job of looking at every project with a unique perspective. It makes your work stand out among a sea of sameness!


Attention to detail

Thank you for paying such close attention to the details. It really makes a difference in our projects and makes your work stand out as truly exceptional.

Every project you're a part of is 100% flawless. I don't know how you do it, but you never miss even the smallest detail. Thanks for staying committed to such high-quality work.

I might have to start calling you eagle eyes because you notice every small detail of every report, memo, PowerPoint, or deck that comes your way. You ensure our company is always well reflected and I appreciate that about you.


Interpersonal skills

Your ability to communicate and connect with others is impressive. You manage to be a friend to all and make everyone you speak with feel important. I truly admire that about you!

Thank you for being so approachable and easy to work with. You made me feel like I belonged from day 1 on the team, and I've seen you do the same for others again and again. You have a knack for uniting all of us and helping everyone understand what a valuable member of the team they are.

I believe the phrase 'never met a stranger' was written to describe you. It's obvious that you prioritise your relationships with your colleagues and you inspire all of us to treat each other like family. Thanks for being a friend to all.


Quick learning

You have an undeniable knack for quick learning. It's obvious you're always eager to grow and willing to put in the work to improve. That extra effort is going to pay off in your career!

Your ability to learn new things quickly is Excel-lent. You stay more relevant than an 8th grade queen bee!

It blew me away how quickly you learned to [skill] for the [X] project. The way you learn and adapt helps our whole team stay agile and on top of things!


Constructive feedback examples


Sometimes just the thought of providing constructive feedback is enough to set your teeth on edge. Few of us want to point out another person's flaws, but there is a way to frame your feedback so that you provide valuable insights that encourage personal development without tearing the other person down. (Think constructive feedback rather than constructive criticism.)

An article from Forbes breaks down the three hallmarks of constructive feedback. It should:

  1. be relevant and timely
  2. provide specific and actionable insight
  3. balance areas for improvement with strengths

To make it a little easier on you, we've gathered some good feedback examples you can use when it's necessary to provide a little constructive feedback.


Failing to meet a deadline

Deadlines can be tricky, and I understand that things come up. When we start the next project, let's pencil out some smaller goal-setting to keep you on track at every point of the project.

I know you put in a lot of effort, even though the deadline was missed. Maybe we can look at how to prioritise tasks differently to ensure things stay on track next time.


General time management challenges

I've noticed you've been juggling a lot and it affected your last couple deadlines. Maybe we can discuss some time management techniques that have worked for me. I'm sure you'll find your groove soon.

It was a little challenging getting my part of the project done because I was dependent on your part being completed. It might help to look at some ways we can ensure things done in a timely manner so we can continue to collaborate together!


Lacking collaboration skills

Collaboration can be challenging, especially when we have so many different personalities in one team, but it's key to our success. Let's get together and talk about some ways we can focus on communicating more openly so that we are ready to work together on future projects.

You're a little bit of a Renaissance man, and I'm constantly impressed at how you show skills in every area you tackle. We're lucky enough to work with an incredible team, so it might help if we look at ways you can delegate some tasks so that everyone is able to play their role.


Lacking emotional intelligence

During our meeting last week it seemed like emotions were running high. Sometimes it's best to just excuse yourself from the conversation when you realise it's not going anywhere productive.

I admire the friendship you've built with Sarah, but it seems like you may be having some trouble separating your personal and professional life. Carlos and Mark are some great examples of how to be close friends and still effective employees.


Negative feedback from a client

I heard about the client's feedback and understand it's tough. Let's review what they said and brainstorm ways to address their concerns. I have no doubt we can turn this around and rebuild their trust in us.

Client feedback can be challenging, but it's also valuable. Can we schedule a time to look at their comments and decide what improvements we can make from that feedback? Let's make it a goal to prevent similar issues in the future.


Poor communication skills

I've noticed that some of your recent emails have been a little disorganised and hard to follow. It might help to look at some of the most effective emails in your inbox and think about what makes them so easy to read. You have such great ideas-- I don't want them to get lost in the shuffle!

It's been a little hard to get a hold of you lately, which has delayed progress on some tasks on my end. Would it be possible to map out a few times a day when you dedicate a period to responding to messages? Our days can get so busy that this strategy may help you stay on top of replying to others!


Set the stage for positive feedback

Even though research shows people love getting a compliment, it can still feel awkward and unauthentic to praise your coworkers for a job well done.

Employee recognition software can help remove those uncomfortable feelings and make positive feedback a welcome norm in your organisation.

Using Terryberry, employees can celebrate the positive behavior they see in one another through peer to peer recognition, while managers can praise their direct reports with top-down recognition, both in one easy to use recognition feed.

You can even personalise your company's recognition feed settings to reinforce specific behaviors and actions you want to encourage, such as strong communication skills, a commitment to professional development, or a demonstration of leadership skills.

We're ready to help you create a positive work environment where employee feedback is welcome and expected.
