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What is Company Culture and 4 Tips for How to Improve it

By Lauren Allen | June 14, 2023

CEOs want to see growth, sales departments want to see leads, and finance wants to see profit. But employees? They want to enjoy coming to work every day – they want a positive company culture. In fact, research from MIT found that toxic company culture was the primary reason for people quitting their jobs from […]

25+ Different Types of Employee Appreciation Messages

By Lauren Allen | June 12, 2023

If you’re looking for ways to show your team you care, genuine words of appreciation that can be felt in employees’ hearts are always meaningful. Giving employee appreciation messages verbally is a simple and effective way to express gratitude. But written notes, such as thank-you cards or emails, can be more personal and longer-lasting than […]

What’s Happening at Terryberry: New Look & Employee Engagement Surveys

By Lauren Allen | June 8, 2023

This year, team Terryberry has been hard at work upgrading our existing products, expanding our product offering, and creating a whole new look. And we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been up to.   Introducing the new and improved Terryberry!    What’s New at Terryberry  As a company with over 100 years of […]

360 Feedback Examples: Sample Questions and Answers to Get Started

By Lauren Allen | June 2, 2023

We’ve all experienced how stressful and uncomfortable office evaluations and 360 reviews can be. Being called into your boss’s office to discuss your shortcomings in detail isn’t most people’s idea of a good time. Any review is awkward and unpleasant to say the least. However, evaluations don’t have to be this unbalanced one-way communication style. […]

6 Unique Employee Appreciation Ideas and Gifts

By Lauren Allen | May 31, 2023

For employees, being appreciated for their performance can transform their job from work into a passion. Whether a small gift or a big reward, recognition matters.  In fact, research has shown just how important employee recognition is in increasing employee engagement, decreasing employee turnover, and creating a healthy workplace where individuals thrive. So, how should […]

Cultural Diversity in The Workplace: What it is, Why it’s Important, and How to Get Started

By Lauren Allen | May 25, 2023

As the world has become more remote and hybrid than ever before, companies everywhere are dealing with new challenges, opportunities, and dynamics. One of which is an increased globalization resulting in a more diverse workforce. Cultural diversity in the workplace is largely beneficial both for companies and people alike. However, there can be some growing […]

10 Real-Life Examples of Mental Health Discrimination at Work

By Lauren Allen | May 22, 2023

When thinking about mental health, you might not think about the workplace. That’s because for decades there has been a stigma around mental health. This stigma has led to many people keeping their mental health journeys private, oftentimes resulting in shame and isolation. And while today mental health has become less stigmatized, unfortunately mental health […]

14 Thought-Provoking Ways To Say Thank You, Team

By Lauren Allen | May 19, 2023

Simply saying, “Thank You, Team!” is well and good. However, will that really be enough to engage employees and motivate them to reach new goals? Chances are, you’ll need to do a bit more to push your team to their potential.  You can always start by changing up how you say thanks. Here are a […]

Mental Health in the Workplace: How to Support Employees’ Mental Health at Work 

By Lauren Allen | May 18, 2023

May is Mental Health Awareness month! On the surface, it may feel like mental health doesn’t overlap with the workplace, but you may want to think again. We may be living in a post-pandemic world, but that doesn’t mean we’re not still affected by it. In fact, the WHO reported a 25% worldwide increase in […]

6 Benefits of Having Happy Employees in Your Organization

By Lauren Allen | May 15, 2023

Is it still true that happiness is directly associated with the productivity of organizations? An Oxford University study found that employees are 13% more productive when happy. This study suggests that employees perform better when recognized, feel valued at work, are heard, and, most importantly, are satisfied with their work. In what way do you […]

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