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Employee Empowerment: How to Set Employees Up For Success

By Mike West | April 3, 2023

We’ve all worked for that boss. The one who needs to approve every little decision or questions your decisions unnecessarily. They likely mean well, but oftentimes this type of leadership creates doubt and insecurity in employees. Rather than learning how to grow and develop in their role, employees instead learn how to lean on their […]

Do 10% More with 10% Less: How to Keep Your Employees Happy & Engaged During Layoffs and a Recession

By Lauren Allen | March 30, 2023

Recession or no recession? That is the question. Since mid-2022, economists and laymen alike have debated over whether to expect a recession in 2023. Some say we’ve technically been in one since the summer of 2022, based on the definition of “recession.” Others say corporate earnings are too high to be considered a recession, and […]

Administrative Professionals Day: Why It’s Important and What You Can Do To Celebrate

By Katelyn Cripps | March 28, 2023

There are many ways to express appreciation to the assistants, secretaries, and other staff members who make your business or facility run seamlessly. Employers and managers can recognize administrative professionals for their hard work by celebrating them with these 4 ideas.

Two engaged employees fist bumping

8 Strategies to Boost Employee Engagement and Retention

By Katelyn Cripps | March 23, 2023

Employee retention has always been a hot topic in the world of human resources. It’s no secret that employee turnover can be costly for businesses – both in terms of money and lost productivity. It’s estimated that each lost employee equates to a cost of 1.5 to 2 times that employee’s annual salary. Not to […]

5 Ways Leaders Can Improve Engagement and Wellbeing

By Lauren Allen | March 22, 2023

Employee engagement and wellbeing should be of key importance to all employers navigating the post-pandemic work landscape. Successful teams of the future will include employees who feel valued, supported in their professional and personal lives, and dedicated to the organization’s mission.  Leaders have a great impact on these outcomes based on the type of work […]

Work Culture: What It Is, Why It Matters, & How to Build It

By Lauren Allen | March 14, 2023

Your business’s work culture is one of its most valuable assets. Get your culture right, and you’ll be positioned to tackle challenges, overcome hurdles, and seize opportunities. Get it wrong, and even the most innovative products and services won’t save your company. Building culture at work isn’t an overnight project nor a one-and-done activity at […]

22 Employee Rewards and Recognition Ideas for Your Program

By Lauren Allen | March 10, 2023

Your employee rewards program is more than an item on your to-do list-it’s a vital part of workplace culture, engagement, and retention. Your staff wants to feel recognized and appreciated for the hard work they put in day in and day out, and an effective employee rewards system can make it happen. But where should […]

Why Managing Remote Employees is So Difficult (and what to do about it) with Dr. Paul White

By Lauren Allen | March 9, 2023

We’ve come out of the pandemic changed in many ways – we’ve quarantined, shopped local, and learned all about proper masking. But one way we may be forever changed is with hybrid working arrangements. So much so, remote work is actually more common now than ever before. As of 2022, 26% of U.S. employees now […]

Corporate Wellness Gifts: 20 Corporate Wellness Gift Ideas to Give Your Employees

By Lauren Allen | March 7, 2023

If your company has a corporate wellness program, you may have noticed an ebb and flow of employee participation over the course of your program. It’s natural – some challenges resonate more with your team than others. But if you’re looking for ways to entice your employees, corporate wellness gifts may be the solution. Here, […]

What Is Employee Wellbeing? 8 Ways to Improve It 

By Lauren Allen | March 2, 2023

“Employee wellbeing” may sound like a buzzword, but don’t be fooled – its impacts can reach all areas of your business. Get your employees’ wellbeing right, and all the other dominos will fall into place. Get it wrong, and you risk high turnover, low engagement, and low morale. Your employees are your business’s most important […]

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