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7 Organizational Culture Examples to Inspire Your Own

By Lauren Allen | December 8, 2022

Organizational culture examples isn’t something you build by accident. It takes planning, commitment, creativity, and a willingness to prioritize people over profits. It’s not easy, but it pays dividends in the long run, especially when it comes to employee productivity, satisfaction, and retention. Company culture is more than ping-pong tables and free SWAG. It’s a […]

10 of The World’s Top Organizations’ Company Values

By Lauren Allen | December 6, 2022

When it comes to company values, there are a few key things that top businesses do differently than the rest. They make sure that their values are clearly defined and communicated to all employees, they ensure that these values are incorporated into every aspect of their business, and they keep these values front and center […]

Holiday Employee Engagement Ideas: 5 Ways to Boost Engagement

By Lauren Allen | December 1, 2022

With Thanksgiving fresh in our minds, Christmas and the new year will be here before we know it. Between family gatherings, office parties, and the impromptu potluck we all have more on our minds than usual this time of year. And while the holidays are an exciting time for many of us, it can undoubtedly […]

Edit Users

Adding/Editing Single Users

By | November 29, 2022

Feature Highlights: Understanding what you can edit for an employee How to update a user’s contact information (email, phone number, etc) How to update metadata for existing users edits to existing users Understanding User Statuses Locking/ Unlocking single users If you’re looking to add or make edits in bulk, please visit this blog: Uploading and […]

Participant List

Setting Your Participant List for Your Survey

By | November 29, 2022

Feature Highlights: Using the ‘Target Some’ feature to send surveys to a custom group of employees or to send to a specific demographic group  This feature ensure we’re only sending the surveys to the specific group of employees meant to receive the survey  6 Steps:  Creating your participant list for a survey starts with your […]

recognize top performers

5 Ways to Recognize Top Performers

By mindutopia | November 28, 2022

If retention is a top priority for your company, you’re not alone. With unemployment near historic lows, employees have the gift of choice these days. And while this is great news for employees, employers everywhere are wondering how to reduce employee turnover. One way to do so is to recognize top performers in an impactful […]

Virtual Wellness Challenge Ideas: 20 Ways to Support Employee Wellbeing

By Lauren Allen | November 22, 2022

Thanks to the internet, people are more connected than ever before. At the same time, staying in communication via a device can lead to a sense of disconnection. Remote employees rarely get the chance to build relationships with each other the way people do in an office setting. In addition, maintaining a company culture of […]

Custom Awards and Recognition Jewelry: What are They and Why They Matter

By Lauren Allen | November 15, 2022

When it comes to recognizing your team with a gift or award, it can be hard to know what it is they’ll value most. In today’s day in age, many people believe money is the most valuable gift. And while it’s true money will always be relevant; it may not always be the most impactful. […]

Gratitude in the Workplace: Its Benefits and 5 Ways to Get Started Today

By Lauren Allen | November 3, 2022

The month of November sparks feelings of gratitude and generosity for many of us. And while this feeling is present for so many of us individually, we oftentimes don’t find a space for it at the office. But research is suggesting we should be bringing gratitude into the workplace. From increased engagement and productivity to […]

How to Reduce Employee Turnover: 3 Steps for Keeping Your Top Talent

By Lauren Allen | October 28, 2022

With unemployment near historic lows, employees have the gift of choice these days. They’re able to leave unfulfilling jobs with the confidence that they’ll find a better one. And while this is great news for employees, employers everywhere are wondering how to reduce employee turnover. In fact, 4.4 million employees quit their jobs in February […]

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