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How to Give Constructive Criticism: 6 tips For Giving Criticism the Right Way
You can’t improve if you don’t know where you’re falling short, but a few factors often get in the way of these learning opportunities. Ego, emotions, and insensitivity oftentimes intertwine with criticism, destroying productive feedback and leaving managers and direct reports with nothing but pain, embarrassment, and anger. There’s a better way. Constructive criticism is […]
Onboarding New Employees: 13 Steps and Onboarding Checklist
First impressions matter, especially when it comes to onboarding new employees. Get your onboarding program right and you can turn new hires into tenured MVPs. Get it wrong, and you’ll likely have to re-hire for their position in the next couple of years. Fortunately, onboarding new employees isn’t rocket science – you just need a […]
Hourly Worker Retention: Why It’s so Difficult and 4 Ways to Improve It
Employee retention has always been an area of interest among HR departments. Even today, as recession talk is everywhere and mass layoffs have already begun, voluntary turnover is still something to avoid whenever possible. And according to research, it’s avoidable about 77% of the time. Work Institute estimates that one in four employees left their […]
Recognition Award Ideas: 7 Creative Recognition Award Ideas to Boost Employee Engagement
We all like hearing “thank you” – it lets us know that our efforts are not only seen, but appreciated too. It helps connect us to a greater mission and make us feel that our roles matter. But, unfortunately, a “thank you” alone can become a bit lackluster over time. In fact, a series of […]
Employee Life Cycle: The Complete Guide to the 7 Stages
Your business’s employee life cycle might be the most important insight into your success. Understand, master, and influence each stage of this journey to take control of your company and better shape its future. Employees are every business’s number one asset. You can always make more money, find more customers, and build more products, but […]
Employee Retention Strategies: 10 Proven Tactics to Boost Your Employee Experience
Employee retention is a hot topic in the world of human resources. It’s no secret that employee turnover can be costly for businesses – both in terms of money and lost productivity. Each lost employee equates to a cost of 1.5 to 2 times that employee’s annual salary, and it can take a business up […]
Microaggressions at Work: What They Are and How to Deal with Them
According to a 2021 report from Glint, belonging is the second most important factor in creating a great workplace culture. Creating an environment where employees feel safe to be themselves is the foundation for belonging at work. But one way to erode that foundation is allowing microaggressions to go unchecked. Since the killing of George […]
The 4-Day Work Week: What Is It and Why It’s Gaining Popularity
By now, everyone has heard of the 4-day work week concept. Between debates on productivity, work-life balance, and its impact on society’s work ethic – it seemed to spark an opinion from employee to executive at every company. But for years, the 4-day work week was just an idea. It was a concept that was […]
No Time for Wellness? 5 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Wellness Program Admins
Americans today are expecting more from their workplace than ever before. And one of these expectations is workplace wellness. It’s no real surprise either, considering what we’ve all been through. The pandemic was a traumatic experience that left many people with lingering mental and physical health concerns. Inevitably, employees are now turning to their employers to address […]
What is Transparency in Communication?
Effective communication is essential for any thriving organization. Without high standards in place, your company is likely to experience significant hurdles. Productivity and efficiency are among the more obvious areas that can suffer from poor communication. But you can also find company culture, worker engagement, and your company reputation could also be derailed. One of […]