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UK Employee Recognition Stories

By Mike West | July 31, 2020

The dedicated UK and European branch of our business have over 30 years experience in providing bespoke Long Service Awards programs for companies including Ford, Tesco, M&S, AstraZeneca, XPO Logistics, to name just a few. Experts in working with clients to formulate engaging and joyful employee recognition experiences which help ensure career milestones are celebrated […]

HR Professionals Give Their Feedback on Recognizing Employees Today

By mindutopia | June 30, 2020

We were bowled over by the tremendous response from the audience and the insightful dialog and interaction during’s virtual INSPIRE event last week. By request, we’re sharing the chat transcript for you to learn what other HR professionals are finding challenging or encouraging when it comes to recognizing their employees during these uncertain times.

What Does “Going to Work” Look Like Today?

By mindutopia | June 4, 2020

Businesses are reopening to a new normal, and “Going to Work” looks different from what we are used to.  For some, it means working from a kitchen table while kids learn online nearby.  Others practice social distancing in the workplace with a whole new set of protocols and procedures. Job descriptions are being changed significantly for […]

3 Alternatives for When Your Annual Sales Incentive Trip is Canceled

By mindutopia | June 1, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many organizations have cancelled their annual sales incentive trips. As a result, they are now faced with the problem of how to appropriately recognize and celebrate their Top Performers. Learn more about the pros and cons of the available options.

New Case Study: Healthcare System's Recognition Program Increases Employee Engagement by 9%

By mindutopia | May 26, 2020

Tidelands Health had a goal to increase employee engagement. The health system wanted to accomplish this by giving meaningful recognition to its employee partners. Learn in this case study how after implementing Terryberry’s 360 Recognition Platform, employee engagement at Tidelands Health increased from 68% to 77% in the first year.

remote worker

Make Employee Recognition Easier and Impactful

By Mike West | May 12, 2020

88% of HR Professionals say that during these unprecedented times, employee recognition has MORE IMPACT, while 57% say it’s MORE DIFFICULT to recognize employees.  Learn about technology tools to make it easier to recognize employees in difficult times.

Showing Appreciation for Our Heroic Nurses

By mindutopia | April 27, 2020

National Nurses Week holds special significance in 2020 in light of the ongoing struggle our country is going through to fight COVID-19. The annual week of recognition is May 6-12, ending on Florence Nightingale’s birthday. And just as Nightingale thrived during a time of crisis, our nurses today stand on the frontline in the battle against this deadly virus. Terryberry would like to highlight ways we can show nurses some appreciation for all they’re doing to fight the coronavirus.

couple walking in the park

Medicare Advantage Free Benefit through Walker Tracker

By | April 27, 2020

Walker Tracker is proud to partner with a national health plan to offer eligible Medicare Advantage members access to the Walker Tracker wellness platform and a free fitbit.    Walker Tracker’s “Health and Fitness Tracker” benefit also includes a free fitness tracker from iRedeem Health and access to BrainHQ, a brain training program to improve […]

Recognition Man Healthy Workplace

5 Tips to Encourage a Healthy Workplace

By mindutopia | April 6, 2020

The Coronavirus has temporarily altered workplaces around the world, and we all anxiously await when things will get back to normal.  When they do, having a healthy workplace will be more important than ever. Employees who are emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy are more present and effective in the workplace and a stronger asset to the team. Fortunately, much can be done at the corporate level to encourage healthy habits in your employees and create an active and health-conscious workplace.

Workplace culture

3 Tips for Workplace Culture Continuity during COVID-19

By mindutopia | March 20, 2020

As we all adjust to this uncertain environment, put plans in place to use your recognition programs to focus on Communication, Community, and Commitment.  We’re all in this together.

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