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Tools to Improve Work-Life Balance in the Workplace

By mindutopia | September 30, 2019

A healthy work-life balance should be a key pillar supporting a company’s organizational structure, goals, and culture. With technological advances evolving the workforce, flexibility is more possible than ever — employers just have to address it. With a comprehensive strategy, work-life balance solutions can be done well and done right. There are a number of […]

Happy HR Professionals' Day!

By mindutopia | September 26, 2019

Finally, HR Professionals have a day of recognition all their own, and it’s today! September 26 is HR Professionals’ Day.

Terryberry Among Michigan's Best and Brightest in Wellness 4th Year in a Row

By mindutopia | September 23, 2019

Both internally with staff and through the company’s interaction with customers and prospects, employee wellness is an area of focus for Terryberry’s business today.   Terryberry ramped up their own internal employee wellness program a half-decade ago.  “As a team, we actively pursued the goal of helping each other Be Well.  In a short amount of time, we saw that it was truly impacting the lives and health of many of our employees.  Individuals were reducing their risk factors and feeling better,” says Byam.

3 Tips for Designing a Corporate Wellness Program in 2020

By mindutopia | September 16, 2019

Looking to kick off a corporate wellness program in 2020?  Many organizations are planning HR strategies for the coming year.  Employee Wellness is a growing trend.  Check out these 3 tips for designing a corporate wellness program that will support your staff as they work to achieve their personal wellness goals. Plus learn how Terryberry’s Corporate Wellness Program can help your organization build a culture that encourages employee wellness.

What happens when organisations fail to recognise their most valuable employees?

By Mike West | August 26, 2019

Like all businesses we seek and encourage feedback from our customers. We love the messages that sing our praises. But we also appreciate and learn from the ones that show where something has gone wrong. We recently received a message sent to our online UK Live Chat team from a person, who is not an […]

Why Corporate Recognition Awards Must be More Than "Gifts"

By mindutopia | August 12, 2019

Imagine you’ve contributed 20 years of your career to an organization about which you care deeply. You are proud of this organization, proud of what it stands for, and proud of what you’ve accomplished there. Now then, let’s imagine this organization has a recognition program in place to honor employee service milestones, like 20 years of service.  Your employer presents you with a congratulatory packet in recognition of your 20 years of service.   It feels good to be acknowledged! What’s the best way to make that moment of recognition something to be remembered for months or years to come?

Psychology of Safety: How Applauding Safe Work Habits Works

By mindutopia | July 29, 2019

With a job to get done quickly and the clock ticking, safety can be the last thing on a manager’s mind. However, risking a workplace injury or accident isn’t worth it. In addition to potentially damaging your equipment, workers can get hurt, sometimes sustaining a life-long injury. To say this is bad news for them and for you is an understatement of the tragedy.

survey questions type

Question Types and Their Reporting

By | July 19, 2019

Workify offers multiple question types in order to give you the flexibility you need to design the right survey for your organization.

baseline survey

The Workify Baseline Survey

By | July 17, 2019

The Workify Baseline was designed to provide an accurate representation of engagement within your organization and to…

SHRM19 Las Vegas – one for the books!

By mindutopia | July 9, 2019

The Terryberry crew had a fabulous time in fabulous Las Vegas at the SHRM19 Annual Conference….

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