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Terryberry's New and Improved Award Presentation Cheat Sheet

By mindutopia | May 13, 2019

Good award presentations come from good preparation. Terryberry’s Award Presentation Cheat Sheet is a popular resource that helps presenters prepare for  employee recognition presentations.  The cheat sheet gives presenters tips on how to give an employee recognition speech and what to say in order to create a moment to remember.  Using the downloadable PDF, award […]

Celebrate Nursing Staff on Nurses Day, May 12th

By mindutopia | May 6, 2019

It’s that time of year again – This week is Nurses Week and May 12th is International Nurses Day. Each year on May 12th, we mark our calendars as a day to celebrate the hard-working nursing staff that gives so much on a daily basis. Why May 12th? It’s the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the […]

4 Questions to Ask to Promote Workplace Wellness

By mindutopia | April 8, 2019

At a time when the costs of medical care benefits are on the rise, many companies are looking carefully at ways to encourage workplace wellness. For many employees 25-30% of their meals are eaten at work. Providing employees with the benefit of healthy nutrition at work and encouraging healthy eating behaviors for life is one […]

3 Steps to Building an Employee Recognition Strategy

By Mike West | April 4, 2019

Developing a culture of recognition in which employees are genuinely acknowledged for their contributions, is more important than ever to maintain productivity, profitability, and retention of key employees. Employers can gain the edge over competition by establishing a culture of employee recognition that engages employees early on and throughout their careers. In order to develop […]

Top 5 Ways to Manage Stress in the Workplace

By mindutopia | March 28, 2019

As the leader of your workplace, one of HR’s roles is to keep employees as positive as possible. Positivity goes a long way toward promoting productivity and the motivation to make sure the job is done efficiently each and every time. There’s no doubt that you and your employees experience stress-and, likely, on a daily […]

Create a Positive Company Culture Through Visibility

By mindutopia | February 4, 2019

by Brad Sytsma Here at Terryberry, we’ve had a long understanding that in order to make an employee recognition program work, the program needs to become part of the company culture. Anything less would seem insincere to employees, or worse, make them feel they were being pandered to. World at Work research studies, Gallup polls, […]

A New Year, a Fresh Look at Employee Wellness Programs

By Lauren Allen | January 7, 2019

It’s that time of year again. The New Year’s resolution crowd is hitting the gym and planns to eat healthier still seem fresh and doable. The prevailing sentiment is to replace those old, unhealthy habits of ours with better ones. Many of your employees probably have personal wellness goals on their minds already. Now is […]

coffee beans

Stressed, Blessed, and Coffee Obsessed

By | December 26, 2018

I have a shirt in my closet that reads “Stressed, Blessed, and Coffee Obsessed” emblemized across the torso. Is it true? Yes. Do I wear it often? No. In today’s world, it is almost unheard of to not feel stressed. To some degree, stress can be a good thing but the levels most of us […]

What is Not Employee Recognition

By mindutopia | December 6, 2018

A culture of recognition leads to people working together to achieve more. Employee recognition is a topic we’re very passionate about at Terryberry. Catch the quick five-minute talk that Mike Byam, Terryberry’s Managing Partner gave on some common mistakes organizations make when it comes to recognizing their employees. DisruptHR is an information exchange designed to […]

Giving Thanks, a Path to Happiness

By mindutopia | November 19, 2018

Can giving thanks make us happier, healthier, more satisfied, more motivated, and foster stronger relationships? Study after study seems to prove the answer is a resounding “yes.” According to a Washington Post article, “The science behind why you shouldn’t stop giving thanks after Thanksgiving,” in a 2003 study, gratitude experts Robert Emmons of the University […]

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