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November 7th is Stress Awareness Day

By mindutopia | November 6, 2018

Stress. We all deal with this unpleasant, yet unavoidable, aspect of life. It affects us in perhaps more ways than we realize. Some of its manifestations are obvious: difficulty sleeping, anxiety, irritability, headaches, or muscular tension. Yet stress also affects our long-term health and can wreak havoc on our systems in silent and unseen ways […]

Boss's Day is October 16

By mindutopia | October 2, 2018

Boss’s Day rolls around once a year, on a crisp October day when trees are just turning orange and gold, and we arrive to our offices with pumpkin lattes in hand. Before all of the fall and winter holidays consume all of our attention, we should take time to celebrate another holiday, Boss’s Day, and […]

Creative Ideas For Celebrating company milestones

Terryberry: 1918 – 2018, a Century of Recognition

By mindutopia | September 24, 2018

1918: Horse-drawn carriages were still in use, the Great War was drawing to a close, airmail was in its infancy, and the word “teenager” didn’t exist.* Yes, a lot has changed in 100 years, and Terryberry has been around to see all of it. This year marks the Centennial of H.R. Terryberry’s first startup business. His […]

September 22 is Business Women’s Day

By mindutopia | September 17, 2018

What do Mary Barra, Chairman and CEO of General Motors Company, and Lily Beck Wilson, founder and owner of Veils by Lily, have in common? Through an entrepreneurial spirit and good old-fashioned hard work, they are powerful business women who have formed successful careers and are influencing the world in positive ways.  September 22 is […]

Terryberry's 360 Recognition Platform Provides Increased Accessibility for Non-Desk Employees

By mindutopia | September 10, 2018

At the 2018 HR Technology Conference & Expo Terryberry will announce a new partnership that will make their employee recognition software platform even more accessible to non-desk employees. Employee rewards and recognition software has been gaining popularity with employers exponentially over the last decade as new functionality emerges for social interaction, reporting, administration and communication. […]

How to Encourage Safe Practices in the Workplace

By mindutopia | August 20, 2018

by Rae Steinbach Keeping the workplace safe is important for any business owner. That’s why it’s not enough to simply rely on management to maintain a safe working environment. Implementing a safety initiative isn’t going to be as effective as you might expect if your employees aren’t adjusting their own habits accordingly. Safety is very […]

In Honor of System Administrator Appreciation Day – High Tech Employee Recognition

By mindutopia | July 23, 2018

When things go right, you may barely notice their existence. They are just there making everything work in the background. When things go wrong in the world of complex computer systems (and they will), system administrators will be your heroes.  July 27 is System Administrator Appreciation Day.  Take a few minutes out of your busy […]

Employee Onboarding – Why and How

By mindutopia | July 16, 2018

When starting a new job, you hope to feel welcome and as though you are an important part of the group. If that welcoming spirit is absent, you might be likely to bail and seek out another opportunity before ever really settling in. To combat the problem of new employee turnover that organizations face, you need […]

SHRM18 Recap from Terryberry

By mindutopia | July 2, 2018

Time has flown by since SHRM18 wrapped up.  If you attended the conference, we hope you brought back some great memories from Chicago- maybe a selfie with Recognition Man, or a SHRM-exclusive Chicago “Bean” pin or charm from Terryberry! HR Professionals Eager to Learn About Employee Recognition The Terryberry crew that staffed our booth at […]

National Handshake Day is June 28

By mindutopia | June 25, 2018

Handshakes can be serious or fun, formal or informal. Think about meeting someone new at a business meeting or a job interview, about negotiating an agreement, closing a deal, greeting a friend, celebrating a victory, or even accepting defeat. What do all of those situations have in common? A handshake. It’s such a common part […]

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