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Memorable Moments – Long-Serving Employee Booklets

By mindutopia | December 13, 2017

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Heena She says: “We did a booklet containing interviews with long-serving employees – asking for their most memorable moments and etc.” Share […]

Manager’s Guide to Deciding Between Recognition-Worthy Work vs. Regular Work

By mindutopia | December 6, 2017

According to a Gallup article, your team members should be recognized for praise-worthy work on at least a weekly, if not a daily, basis. Recognizing your employees frequently causes a dopamine rush, the feel-good chemical in our brains, which creates a sense of pleasure and pride in a job well done. This, in turn, motivates […]

Want More Workplace Collaboration? Here Are 5 Ways to Make Sure Employees Feel Heard

By mindutopia | November 27, 2017

It’s a known fact that we human beings are social creatures. As a general rule, we do much better in work and in life when we feel connected to others. Office life can pose unique challenges when it comes to creating teamwork and collaboration among many individuals, each with specialized roles. Below are a few ideas on […]

Promote Workplace Wellness by Trying Out These 4 Health Activities at the Office

By mindutopia | October 30, 2017

The prognosis of the American workforce’s condition is in, and it’s not good. As a collective, we are overweight, stressed-out, exhausted, and apathetic. These conditions can lead to worsening problems, i.e, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, headaches, anxiety, and depression, to name just a few. All of this is taking its toll on the vitality of […]

How to Communicate Company Goals and Impact Employee Behavior

By mindutopia | October 23, 2017

Terryberry recently announced a new feature of the popular 360 Recognition Platform that is expected to have a major impact on the role of leaders in employee recognition programs.  The 360 Recognition platform itself is an all-in-one hub for managing employee recognition.  The newly released Organizational Communication feature is designed to engage executive teams more deeply […]

6 Tips for Building a Wonderful Workplace Culture

By mindutopia | October 16, 2017

A positive workplace culture is something we all want, both team leaders and team members. Why then, does it sometimes seem to be such an elusive fish to catch? Workplace culture is not just about catering to your employees’ wishes, though it can encompass that to some extent. Who, after all, doesn’t appreciate a nice […]

Recognize Employee Performance with Reward Points

By mindutopia | October 9, 2017

Points-based employee recognition programs can be a great way for managers to communicate goals, impact employee behavior, and reward staff for efforts that move the business forward.  In these types of recognition programs, employees earn points rewards for a variety of achievements.  Participants accumulate reward points over time and redeem them for merchandise or other […]

In Honor of Our Bosses on Boss's Day 2017

By mindutopia | October 3, 2017

They’re on the road before sunrise. They spend sleepless nights planning the future of the business. They crunch numbers and make the hard decisions. They’re the motivation behind all of our greatest work, and sometimes the pesky thorns in our sides. They’re our biggest cheerleaders and our best critics, the ones who hold us accountable. […]

Employee Badge of Recognition

By mindutopia | September 27, 2017

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Meghan She says: “We are trying to incorporate an online “badge system” for our employees, where each time they complete a task […]

World Gratitude Day – The Challenging Practice of Gratitude

By mindutopia | September 19, 2017

World Gratitude Day is Thursday, September 21.  A Google search on that one small word ‘gratitude’ will yield a plethora of articles written on the topic: why it’s good for your health, how to cultivate it, the science behind it, and so on. For those with pessimistic leanings, it can be hard to stomach such stuff. Write […]

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