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3 Workplace Trends Affecting Your Recognition Culture

By mindutopia | September 11, 2017

No doubt, we’re in the midst of a lot of changes in business. As leaders, we need to be prepared to adapt to the needs of our changing workforce and how these trends are affecting the way businesses provide employee recognition. 1. Communication. We’re constantly emailing, texting, snapchatting – you name it. It’s constant. How […]

Labor Day: A Time of Transition

By mindutopia | August 30, 2017

Labor Day weekend: we host lazy afternoon barbeques, kids play frisbee or a game of softball out on the lawn, or we soak up those last golden rays out on the lake. We say goodbye to the sweltering summer heat, and await the gradual coming of a new season. New Beginnings Autumn is sometimes thought […]

Memorable Recognition from Managers

By mindutopia | August 23, 2017

by Kelly Eger According to a Gallup Workplace Survey (SOURCE) Employees were asked to recall the most MEANINGFUL & MEMORABLE recognition they received. The survey showed the most memorable recognition comes from – insert drum roll – 28% Managers. Forbes noted 94% of employees with high morale say their managers effectively recognize them.  Recognition from […]

Recognizing Those Who Give Recognition

By mindutopia | August 16, 2017

  It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Cile She says: “We publicize the top recognition givers as well – so it helps drive the culture of recognition – […]

7 Tips for Effective Employee Incentive Programs

By mindutopia | August 14, 2017

Nearly all organizations run incentive programs to reward top performing employees from time to time.  But not all employee incentive programs achieve the best results.  When designing employee incentive programs, this checklist will provide guidelines to help achieve a positive impact on performance. Rewarding Performance – a Checklist for Effective Employee Incentive Programs 1. Keep […]

WOW Recognition at SHRM 2017

By mindutopia | August 11, 2017

Mike Byam, Terryberry’s Managing Partner delivered a jam-packed, inspiring presentation to 500+ at the SHRM 2017 Annual Conference & Exposition in New Orleans this past June. If you missed Mike’s SHRM 2017 presentation, we’ve included some key highlights in the video below. Some key highlights of the presentation included: Reinforcing your organization’s mission, vision and values […]

Manager-Driven Kudos Recognition

By mindutopia | August 2, 2017

  It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Danalyn She says: “We have started a recognition program where management gives kudos which equates to points that allow staff to […]

Recognition Storytelling Stars

By mindutopia | July 26, 2017

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Saralyn She says: “We get stars on our badges when we get nominated for recognition. When doing patient care, the patients will […]

SHRM 2017 – 5 Takeaways and Inspiration for Managers

By mindutopia | July 20, 2017

by Debbie Larson, Human Resources Director, Terryberry I was fortunate to attend the SHRM National conference last month.  While I spent a little bit of time at Terryberry’s booth, the majority of my time was spent in the classroom.  Sometimes the classroom had 15,000+ people.  Crazy! Below are five simple takeaways from a few of the sessions […]

52 Companies Count One Billion+ Steps in The West Michigan Walking Challenge

By mindutopia | June 13, 2017

In just six weeks 52 companies, from all over West Michigan, walked more than one billion steps. That’s right. One billion. It was the first annual West Michigan Walking Challenge, and needless to say, it was an absolute grand slam. Don’t believe it? Check out our infographic on the Challenge. Looking to exercise our title […]

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