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What is the ROI of Employee Recognition?

By mindutopia | June 6, 2017

Most people would agree that recognizing employees for their efforts and contributions is a nice thing to do. But unfortunately it’s sometimes difficult for “nice things to do” to get prioritized in the daily grind of business.  For those wanting to make a positive difference in the workplace, the good news is that employee recognition is the […]

How the Flat Stanley Formula Leads to Employee Engagement

By mindutopia | May 31, 2017

Remember Flat Stanley? Well, if you were even semi-conscious during the mid-90s, the name probably rings a bell. Flat Stanley was a fictional character, originally created by Jeff Brown as the star of a children’s book series that received decent popularity during the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Most of us, however, don’t remember the children’s […]

Coming up: SHRM17 in NOLA

By mindutopia | May 25, 2017

The Annual SHRM Conference is right around the corner.  In the HR biz, this mega event is affectionately referred to as SHRM17.  At Terryberry, we’re pumped to see our HR friends in beautiful New Orleans! For the 15,000 who are attending SHRM this year, the conference promises to be an exciting and productive one, with motivating […]

How to Win Leadership Support for Employee Recognition Programs

By mindutopia | April 19, 2017

One of the most effective ways to boost employee satisfaction and productivity is to provide recognition for workers’ contributions.   Many organizations implement employee recognition programs in order to develop a culture where associates feel recognized and appreciated.  For these programs to be successful, it’s vital that the company’s managers and leaders actively embrace them. […]

Tips for Engaging Your Team for Success

By mindutopia | April 7, 2017

Authored by Danielle Gault When stepping into a team leadership role, a team leader gains a certain degree of power simply from the authority granted them in their assigned position. They have to make decisions and they have to get work done with and through others. Where are we going? The team leader must be […]

Empowering Employee Recognition and Engagement Infographic

By mindutopia | February 15, 2017

One of the most frustrating things that can happen in an organization is not being recognized for your work. And unfortunately, too many senior leaders are out of touch with how often employees are recognized. Terryberry’s infographic will show you statistics of how often managers report giving recognition, compared to how often employees report receiving […]

How to Write Great Employee Recognition Letters

By mindutopia | February 7, 2017

Employee Recognition letters are a low-cost and effective management tool, but often under-utilized.  When an employee receives a sincere, personal letter of appreciation, it can have a profound effect on their motivation, sense of purpose and happiness at work.   And it costs nothing except your time…well ok, also the paper and pen. Employee recognition […]

6 Step Plan to Start an Employee Wellness Program in Your Company

By mindutopia | January 24, 2017

  The cost of employee healthcare is a top concern for executives and HR in businesses today. In response, many businesses have increased their efforts to encourage healthy lifestyles for their employees by offering employee wellness programs.  Terryberry’s new Whitepaper outlines a six-step plan to launch your employee wellness program successfully. Create an environment where employees can Be Well, through […]

Positive Customer Feedback

By mindutopia | January 18, 2017

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Valerie She says: “We provide a monetary prize for positive customer feedback. We send out a company wide email with a copy […]

6 HR Best Practices to Recognize Long-Term Employees

By mindutopia | January 5, 2017

Recognizing employees for their long-term service is among the most established  HR best practices, but is your organization doing service awards effectively? 80% of organizations have a service awards program in place. Yet most employees don’t feel adequately recognized for their work.  With a few simple tweaks, your service awards program can do more to engage, retain […]

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