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How to Engage Virtual Employees

By mindutopia | January 20, 2015

The virtual employee has become a norm in business today. Whether you call them telecommuters, remote workers, or offsite employees, they’re here to stay. Businesses have found that offering virtual connectivity for employees widens the talent pool, helps retain good people, and increases productivity. But how do we engage remote workers and help them stay […]

Spread Recognition to the Whole Company

By mindutopia | January 14, 2015

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Althea. She says: “We recognize our employee several ways: with digital bulletin boards, a bi monthly newspaper, and an email […]

The Recognition Collection – Video

By mindutopia | January 13, 2015

Check out the latest video from Terryberry, highlighting the Recognition Collection.  Terryberry’s Recognition Collection is the premiere Award Selection program that offers your recipients their choice of exciting award options. Featuring brand name items, customized with your organization’s symbol, the Recognition Collection helps organizations reward their employees for special milestones and achievements. No matter what inspires […]

Congratulations on Your Employee Engagement! 5 Lessons Engaged Couples Can Teach Us About Employee Engagement

By mindutopia | January 12, 2015

A friend of mine recently popped the big question to his lovely girlfriend, and she is now sporting an enormous engagement ring.   When I heard the news, obviously I was delighted for them.  Embarrassingly, the words “Congratulations on your employee engagement!” came out of my mouth. This clearly is a sign that I spend […]

Still Looking for a New Years' Resolution? Take the Challenge – "100 Thank You Notes"

By mindutopia | January 6, 2015

Feeling left out without a New Years’ resolution to call your own?  Try the 100 Note Challenge.  Write 100 thank you notes in a month and see how your relationships with coworkers, friends, family members, customers, or vendors change for the better.  Everyone loves to be appreciated.  A thank you note doesn’t have to be […]

Part Two – High Altitude Employee Engagement: How Great Leaders Guide Teams to the Summit

By mindutopia | January 5, 2015

by Kevin Sheridan, Bestselling Author of “Building a Magnetic Culture” Whether it’s summiting a mountain or climbing the corporate ladder, success can often be attributed to great leadership. Through my experience mountaineering and consulting with top organizations, I noticed that the best leaders focus on the same things. Resources Sometimes companies have to tighten their […]

5 Things You Think Are Employee Recognition, But Are Not

By mindutopia | January 2, 2015

  Being in the employee recognition industry, when we ask people what their organization does to recognize their employees, we get all kinds of different answers. That’s one of the great things about employee recognition; it can take many different shapes and many different approaches based on the culture and needs of the organization. And […]

Nomination Presentation

By mindutopia | December 31, 2014

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Shelley. She says: “We video tape the nominators reason for nominating the individual as well as have senior command staff […]

Making a Difference with Employee Recognition

By mindutopia | December 24, 2014

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Beth. She says: “We support quarterly recognition receptions, for 26,000 people, on site and off site. This always recognizes the’ […]

High Altitude Employee Engagement: How Great Leaders Guide Teams to the Summit

By mindutopia | December 15, 2014

by Kevin Sheridan, Best Selling Author of “Building a Magnetic Culture” About 18 years ago, I began an athletic journey called “The Seven Summits,” a quest to climb and summit the highest mountain on every continent. Early on in the ascent of my first, Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,740 feet), I realized the uncanny similarities between high […]

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