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Recognizing Levels of Achievement with Diamonds or Gemstones

By mindutopia | August 21, 2013

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Marilou.  She says: “We give a lapel pin with a diamond every five years of service and a choice of […]

Disengaged Employees Cost Businesses

By mindutopia | August 19, 2013

Shocking stats in a recent article from  Business2Community cite a Gallup study indicating that 70% of American employees are either Not Engaged or Actively Disengaged employees. “70 percent either hate going to work or have mentally checked out to the point they cost their companies money,” writes author Margie Bresslour. In an average business only 3 […]

Drew Beckeman: To Me, Work is an Opportunity to Be Impactful

By mindutopia | August 19, 2013

“After some back and forth on awards, presentation, and communication of the program, I brought our solution to the table. Their upper management really enjoyed the presentation and felt my contact did a nice job of reaching out to the right recognition provider for them,” says Regional Manager Drew Beckeman. Watch the video to meet Terryberry […]

Terryberry on Talk Business 360: Employee Recognition

By mindutopia | August 15, 2013

Terryberry’s Mike Byam is featured on Talk Business 360.  Hear the interview where Byam discusses how leaders effectively use employee recognition to impact their businesses. “Employees are yearning to be recognized for their contributions,” say Byam.  “If people are recognized effectively, they’re going to perform at a higher level; they’re going to be more engaged; […]

Formal Setting for Formal Recognition

By mindutopia | August 14, 2013

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Cindi.  She says: “We held our yearly recognition in a formal setting with black and white attire and decor. A […]

Recognition Bulletin – Summer 2013 Edition

By mindutopia | August 13, 2013

Get up to speed on the latest trends, products, and best practices in employee recognition from Terryberry in the spring issue of the Recognition Bulletin.  Here’s what’s inside: Case Study: NSF International’s Global Recognition Success “Becoming More” at SHRM 2013 in Chicago! We Speak “Recognition” – in 70 Languages! Customers Can Give a WOW, Too! […]

Rupert Cottrell: To me, Work is an Opportunity to Be Positive

By mindutopia | August 12, 2013

“Progressive UK companies are beginning to realize the potential recognition programs have to motivate their workforce and produce results for their business,” says Rupert Cottrell, Director of JMP, Terryberry UK. Watch the video to meet Rupert Cottrell, Director of JMP, Terryberry Europe, and learn why to him, work is an opportunity to be excited. At Terryberry […]

Recognition and Rewards Build Employee Engagement

By mindutopia | August 6, 2013

A recent article by Katie Bascuas posted on reinforces that praise coupled with rewards has a direct impact on employee or member engagement. Whether an organization is looking to engage their employees, volunteers, or members, positive reinforcement combined with rewards is a key combination. Bascuas cites several instances where member-based organizations were able to […]

Recognize an Associate of the Month!

By mindutopia | July 31, 2013

It’s WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed? Today’s WOW Wednesday comes from Marina. She says: “We recognize an associate of the month from each of our specific areas (ROOMS department & Food & […]

Workplace Wellness & Ways to Recognize Fitness Achievements

By mindutopia | July 29, 2013

Is your organization exercising its employee wellness program? Recognizing employees’ achievements out of the office has proven effective for companies focused on promoting wellness in the workplace. “As the cost of providing health care continues to increase, employers recognize one of the key ways to manage their company’s costs is to incent their workforce to […]

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