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Peer Recognition Program – GIVE A WOW 2.0 Demo

By mindutopia | February 25, 2010

This video blog series by Mike Byam and Jenny Watkins of Terryberry talks about interactive workplace recognition using GIVE A WOW: – Demo of the interactive Recognition Wall, a unique employee recognition idea – Employee recognition that appeals to Gen Y employees – How to integrate peer recognition, service awards, and more into one platform […]

Recognition Continues throughout Recession

By mindutopia | February 18, 2010

From the Recognition Insider Newsletter Spring 2010 Edition Employers Continue to Invest in Recognition Programs During the Recession. At first glance, the latest surveys from employers all around the country seem difficult to believe. Why? Because they show clearly that in spite of the deeply painful recession which has gripped the U.S. economy for the […]

Social Media and the New World of Employee Communication

By mindutopia | February 8, 2010

From the Recognition Insider Newsletter Spring 2010 Edition Here’s how you can use today’s rapidly evolving Social Media to enhance your Recognition Program by Tom Nugent How powerful is Social Media today, and how effective can it be in helping HR to enhance employee communications and recognition programs? U.S. marketing executive Bob Thacker was one […]

Video Blog: Developing a Tiered Employee Award Structure

By mindutopia | January 26, 2010

This video blog series by Mike Byam and Jenny Watkins of Terryberry talks about developing a tiered employee awards structure: – How to appropriately recognize good, better, and best achievements– Motivating employees for continual achievement– Example employee award methodologies for various achievement levels– Suggested award review processes and benchmarks for percentages of employees to recognize […]

What Kind of Name is "Terryberry"?

By mindutopia | January 22, 2010

No doubt about it, Terryberry is a unique name for a business. The good news for us is that it’s a name that’s hard to forget! Many people are surprised to find out that Terryberry is a name with a lot of history. The company was founded by H.R. Terryberry in 1918. Though we’ve grown […]

Employee Recognition Themes

By mindutopia | January 11, 2010

As an employee recognition company, we are often asked about ideas for recognition themes. Here are a few I’ve seen recently: RED CARPET/OSCARS: Award recipients get a star on a walk of fame and an engraved star with their name and achievement. THIS DATE IN HISTORY: A fun idea for company anniversaries or long-tenure service […]

Make HR a Profit Center

By mindutopia | December 10, 2009

During a meeting in Chicago this week a great business lesson was clearly illustrated as a client of ours described how their business was thriving because of the “value add” service divisions they have. We were told that the commodity product side of their business had suffered greatly over the last 18 months, but the […]

News Release: New Survey Reveals Employers Will Expand Recognition Programs for 2010

By mindutopia | December 9, 2009

Grand Rapids, MI December 9, 2009 — A recent survey of North American Human Resource Professionals and business leaders indicates that Employee Recognition programs will be a large focus for businesses in the coming year. One in three businesses will be expanding on existing employee recognition programs in 2010, while an additional 17% of businesses […]

Fundamentals for Effective Employee Recognition

By mindutopia | December 1, 2009

This video blog by Mike Byam and Jenny Watkins of Terryberry talks about the best ways to establish a corporate employee recognition strategy: Align with business goals Gain leadership support Address the 3 legs of the recognition stool: Day-to-day Recognition Informal Recognition Formal Recognition This employee recognition program video can also be viewed at YouTube. […]

4 Easy Ways to Improve Service Awards Impact

By mindutopia | November 30, 2009

Awards for years of service are the foundation of many recognition programs in North America. Make the most out of your service awards for your employees and your business. Here are three easy things you can do today that will make a big impact on your service awards. Recognize earlier It’s no surprise that employees […]

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