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Work Day Bingo

By mindutopia | September 3, 2008

Recently when presenting to a Human Resources group in North Andover, Massachusetts about motivating employees there were some great informal ideas flying around the room. One Human Resource professionals from a nearby retirement community talked about a practice they have of quarterly Cover-all Bingo.If the employee teams hit certain metrics over the course of a […]

Informal Worksite Recognition

By mindutopia | August 20, 2008

Earlier this month I was in Amarillo, Texas speaking to a group of Human Resource professionals about recognition and we were sharing informal recognition ideas. A Human Resource professional from a local contractor firm spoke about a coveted award in their organization. She talked about how often times on a worksite when an individual is […]

Nice Catch

By mindutopia | April 29, 2008

We recently heard about a great informal peer to peer recognition program being used by a company in Mentor, Ohio. This manufacturing facility was looking to encourage employees to catch fellow workers doing extraordinary things and was charged with finding a way recognize these actions. The program they developed, the NICE CATCH award, started when […]

Green Rewards

By mindutopia | April 22, 2008

How can businesses encourage their employees to “think Green”? If environmentally-friendly practices are important to your business, consider recognizing employees who help your organization achieve its green goals. I was talking with an employer who recently gave out “GREEN MEANS GO” awards to employees who offered ideas for ways that the company could cost-effectively reduce, […]

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