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Work Christmas Party Ideas: 38 Creative Ideas for Your Party

By Lauren Allen | December 11, 2023

With the holidays right around the corner, Christmas party planning is in full swing! There are a thousand different directions you can take your celebrations, all depending on your company culture, employee count, and, of course, your budget. We’ve curated a few dozen of our favorite work Christmas party ideas to inspire and motivate you, […]

What Is a Retention Bonus? (How to Use It Correctly in 2024)

By Lauren Allen | December 8, 2023

What is a retention bonus, and is it something you need to worry about in 2024? Today’s modern workforce doesn’t seem to like staying in place too long, which can be bad for business, culture, and bottom lines. Replacing an employee can cost one-half to two times the employee’s annual salary (and that’s on the […]

Employee Satisfaction and Retention: 7 Strategies for Boosting Retention

By Lauren Allen | December 6, 2023

After the Pandemic and subsequent Great Resignation, we may have finally turned the curve on employee retention. New research shows that job satisfaction is actually the highest it’s been since 1987. From a low of 43% during the Great Recession, job satisfaction is now up to 62% in 2023. Consequently, retention rates are also up […]

Top 10 Pulse Survey Software Tools and Complete Guide

By Lauren Allen | December 1, 2023

Maximizing Employee Engagement with Pulse Survey Software Employee engagement has been a top priority for companies for the past few years and continues to be one in 2024. It’s no surprise why either – employee engagement is a critical indicator of productivity, efficiency, and the overall success of a company. But knowing where to start […]

happy birthday coworker

Celebrating Your Team: 51 Thoughtful Birthday Wishes for Employees

By Lauren Allen | November 28, 2023

When you’re looking for opportunities to celebrate your employees, birthdays are a great place to start! You can make birthday celebrations as simple or elaborate as you want. For larger companies, you can encourage each team or department to determine how they want to celebrate birthdays with one another. No matter the size of your […]

Setting Boundaries at Work: What it Means and How to do it

By Lauren Allen | November 22, 2023

Setting Boundaries at Work As mental health continues to make its way out of the shadows and into the forefront, it’s beginning to find its place in the workplace as well. And one way it’s doing so is with employees beginning to understand the role of setting healthy boundaries at work. Setting boundaries may sound […]

19 Constructive Feedback Examples for Workplace Situations

By Lauren Allen | November 17, 2023

Constructive feedback is at the heart of any successful, sustainable business. It takes open, honest, and transparent communication for teams to improve, fix mistakes, and make progress. However, that’s easier said than done. Constructive criticism is an art. It’s not something your teams and leaders are born with-it’s a learned skill. Everyone has to learn […]

133 Best Company Swag Ideas Your Community Will Love in 2024

By Lauren Allen | November 16, 2023

Company swag is more than just free stuff – it can be used as a powerful tool for branding and connection. Swag is a term that has evolved to mean promotional products, and companies often use it to create a tangible relationship with employees, clients, and the community. It’s the cool t-shirt from your favorite […]

What is an Employee Engagement Survey? And Why Should You Care?

By Lauren Allen | November 13, 2023

Do you know how your employees feel about their work? If not, you could be missing out on some valuable insights. An employee engagement survey is a great way to get feedback from your team and see how engaged they are with their work. By asking the right questions, you can learn what motivates your […]

Stay Interviews: What are They, Why They’re Important, and 50 Example Questions

By Lauren Allen | November 10, 2023

We’ve all heard of exit interviews – it’s the time HR gets to know why people have chosen to go elsewhere. These interviews are great for learning how to potentially prevent future turnover. But what they can’t do is give you an opportunity to fix issues before your employee makes it to the exit interview. […]

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